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Medium Reading

Need Closure

1 h
70 US dollars

Service Description

Are struggling with: * Communication: Many seek medium services to communicate with their loved ones who have passed away. The opportunity to receive messages or words of comfort from the other side can provide solace and reassurance. * Unfinished Business: People often seek closure for unresolved issues or unfinished business with their deceased loved ones. Mediumship can offer the chance to address lingering questions, seek forgiveness, or express sentiments left unspoken. * Validation: that their loved one is still present and watching over them can validate feelings of connection and provide reassurance that their spirit lives on. * Grief Support: offer emotional support and validation during the grieving process. Connecting with a loved one in the spirit world can alleviate feelings of loneliness or isolation. * Healing Trauma: Losing a loved one can be traumatic, and medium services can play a role in the healing process. Receiving messages or affirmations from the other side can help individuals process their grief and move forward with their lives. It's important to set the stage for a meaningful and open exchange. Here are some important guidelines to keep in mind: * Open-mindedness: Approach this session with an open heart and mind. Understand that spirit communication can be unpredictable, and individuals other than the ones you expect may come through with messages. * Expect the Unexpected: . While you may have specific loved ones in mind, be receptive to messages from any spirit who wishes to communicate. Often, unexpected connections can bring healing and closure. * Validation: It's essential to validate the spirits that come through. If a spirit's identity is not immediately recognized, remain open to the messages they convey. Sometimes, details provided by the spirit can help validate _____ Legal Disclaimer: By booking a Medium Reading you acknowledge it is for entertainment purposes only. The information received should never take the place of legal, medical, psychological, or financial services. Divine Spiritual VeroS LLC accepts no liability for any action a listener/client may undertake. You must always follow your personal wisdom and measure guidance against this inner compass. Only those over 18 years of age can book a reading. All purchases are final so ensure you have reached a firm decision before booking. ~ Making a payment confirms that you have read, fully understand, and agree to the terms and conditions above.

Cancellation Policy

All purchases are final so ensure you have reached a firm decision before booking.

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